Mitchell 20 story line
This is the story of teachers as heroes during a tough time to be a teacher. In 2007, one teacher at Mitchell School in Phoenix, AZ set out to change her school. Little did she know she was starting a movement that would inspire others and change schools in Arizona and around the country. Along the way, the teachers at Mitchell have encountered no shortage of drama in and out of the school. The Mitchell 20 is a story of teachers and schools everywhere.
- Short Synyposis:This is the story of teachers as heroes during a tough time to be a teacher. In 2007, one teacher at Mitchell School in Phoenix, AZ set out to change her school.
- MPAA: Not rated
- Duration:
- Released:
- TV System: NTSC
- Aspect Ratio:
- Format(s):
- Available Territories:
- Director:
- Writer(s):
- Producer(s):
- Production Co.:
- Cast:
- Crew:
- Official website:
- Official Trailer:
- Press Kit:
- Video on-demand:
- Screener Available: Yes
- Film placed: